
Probability of Each Team Winning in Today's Matches - Soccer Times

Probability of Each Team Winning in Today’s Matches


As we now have some meaningful facts, stats and figures from the matches so far played in the Group Stages of the World Cup, it is possible to work out the probabilities of the way in which all of today’s matches will end.

However, they are only the mathematical chances, and they can be pushed aside when it comes to how any team will play in their respective matches, however I thought it might be interesting to learn how those matches may end, based on how those teams have been playing in this tournament so far.

Let’s start with one of the very first matches that will be kicking off today, that being the match between Australia and Peru, there is a 31% probability of that match going to the way an Australia win, and a 26% of it ending in a draw.

It does look like however that match should go the way of Peru for they have a 43% of winning that match, which is what they may just do, but those percentages are to be fair quite tight, so the match could end in a draw or a match for either team of course.

France Should Win Their Match against Denmark

Looking at the Denmark vs France match from a probability point of view, there is actually more chance than that match ending in a draw that is has of ending in a win for Denmark, as there is a 19% of a Denmark win and a 34% chance of a draw.

However, it does go without saying that it is France that holds the very best chance of coming out on top in that match, and the probability of them doing so is a huge 47%, so it does look like the match will go the way of France!

Last Two Group Matches of the Day

There are two matches that are kicking off later tonight, and both of them are in Group D, in fact both of them start at the exact same time, so you may find yourself flicking between two TV channels if you do want to keep track of them both!

It is the turn of Nigeria to take on the might of the Argentina team today, and with just a 17% chance of a Nigeria win and as the probability of 21% of the match ending in a draw, it’s a very fair bet that Argentina with a probability of winning of a high 62%, it will be one of the easiest matches Argentina has so far played in Russia!

Croatia is also playing today and they are up against Iceland and that match from a probability point of view is an interesting one.

In fact, there is a 28% chance of the match ending in a draw, a 29% chance of it ending in a win for Iceland and therefore that does of course mean that the probability of Croatia winning that match is huge at 43%, so do not be too surprised if they do win this match!

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